Friday, December 21, 2012

H4. Time Travel

Time travel you say? I would love to ponder upon this topic for a few moments. The first thing I would do is go back in time of the Wild West. The only twist is I would bring my own guns. I would bring every modern gun I could fit into my big ole bag of guns. I would also get so much ammo and a few bullet proof vests. I would go back and duel with people and win all the time. I would help partake in train and bank robberies the only difference is we would always get away. I would also help hunt wild animals to help my fellow wild westerners feed themselves. I would love to go back in time to the Wild West. I would also love to find a horse and tame it to me my own. It would be have to be either a majestic white stallion or a black mustang. They would be named either Oreo or Cinnamon. They would be super-fast and could take a bullet and still run. I would bring a horse bullet proof vest with me so they wouldn't get shot when I was in the middle of my battles. They would be super nice too. They would bring me my hat in the morning, read me a bed time story and most importantly get me out of any pickle I would be in. They would also be rich. I could borrow a dollar from them anytime and they could fly. They would basically be unicorns. The white one would definitely be just like a unicorn and it would be super-fast. I would never let it go. I wouldn't ever ride a different horse in my life. It would be mine forever, and if I travel back to the future I would bring the horse with me.

H3. Changing the world

If I had the opportunity to change the world for good I would change a lot. I would make sure there is no bullying and no "popular kids." If everyone is looked at the same way there won't be any bullying. Bullying can't be stopped now. It's evolved so much from pranks to texting to cyber bullying. If someone says they know how to end bullying it's not true. It's a terrible thing that has gone so far. It should have been stopped earlier but the level it's at now is unbelievable. That's what I would change in the world. I would also make sure everyone in the world would have food, water, and shelter. I would stop horrible things from happening. If I could change the world everyone would be happy and life would be perfect. There would be no suicides from bullying or harassment. There would be no "rich people" or "poor people." There would be absolutely no sadness in my utopia. The only currency would be a smile. No paper money because that's just paper it means nothing at all. The whole world is based off of paper. Money is good and everything but it's too crazy. Think about if a piece of computer paper was worth a loaf of bread or a thing of milk. It sounds crazy but that's what money is. Its paper and it controls our lives. I would also have there be no president with a lot of power. Everything would be voted and agreed upon. There would never be a war again because it's pointless. People on both sides are dying and it's not changing anything at all. Wars, poverty, money, leaders, and bullying are some of the things I would focus on. They are all bad and need to change. If I could I would change all those things and probably a lot more to have a utopia.

H2. Interview

For this blog I conducted an interview with Alex Darrow. Alex is a senior this year. He is sad but excited to graduate. He started the interview off by asking me some questions. Then I proceeded to ask him some.
Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A: Yes I have a brother named Nick and a sister named Jackie.
Q: What are your favorite sports to play?
A: My favorite sports to play are Football and Baseball.
Q: If you had one wish what would it be?
A: I would wish for more wishes.
Q: If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? And who would you go with?
A: I would go solo to Africa.
Q: Do you have any creative nicknames? If so why?
A: Yes I do have a nickname and it’s Stallion. I go this nickname on the football team. There was two Alex’s on the team so I gave myself the nickname Stallion.
Q: What is your favorite sport?
A: My favorite sport would have to be Football.
Q: What’s your favorite football team?
A: I don’t have one favorite I have to Favorites. The Buffalo Bills and the Green Bay Packers.
Q: Those are my favorite teams as well. But what is your favorite class?
A: I would have to say this class Online Publishing.
Q: If you had to pick a “best friend” who would it be?
A: I don’t really have a best friend. I have a bunch of good friends but not just one.
Q: What do you look for in a girl? Tall girls or short girls?
A: For me the girl has to be shorter than me.
I believe Alex and myself had a good interview. It went well we both had very good questions. It was also really cool to learn a little bit more about a fellow writer.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

H1. Choice

Today 12/11/12 in the class Online Publishing my good pal Matt Sheep came up with this crazy idea. What would happen if he time traveled? I thought to think upon this topic very thoroughly, and I decided to include my buddy ole pal Hen Boy upon this topic of discussion. So you have Hen Boy, Matt Sheep, and Jakey Bakey Boy. We are the Semicolon Capital P. Our current topic of discussion is time traveling. One of our topics for a bog is time traveling. Matt Sheep questioned the whole idea of time traveling. I was always skeptical on the topic, but now I question why people would want to time travel. A perfect example of this is if you travel back in time to when you were born. You would have to grow up with the baby you from the past. Then when you get back into the day you go back into time when you time travel. If you would follow the past you would you time travel again? If that's the case then there would be millions of you. It would never end, and you would never move on past that point. So you would just keep repeating and repeating until the end of time. You would only be able to control yourself. You couldn't change things in your past because you only know your thoughts not your past thoughts. It would be fun to do but if you were 15 when you time travel then you would be 30 then time travel again then 45 then time travel again then 60 and time travel again. You would never be able to grow up. You would be a kid stuck in an adult's body. You would never be able to get a job because in 15 years you would have to go back in time again.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

G4. choice

For my last choice blog of the week I'm going to tell another great short story. There is going to be dragons and bears and horses and a lot of other animals. I'm just kidding I probably won't put any animals in here. I have less than 20 minutes till the class is over. I can write this 300 word blog in that time. Maybe. I hope so. Anyway challenge accepted. There once was a man name Ron. Ron enjoyed a lot of things. He liked going to movies, and concerts and just doing various activities. Ron really liked to eat chicken fingers and play with squirrels. He eat a squirrel once. He just scooped it up and ate it like nothing ever happened. He was a very strange man. He liked to sleep in bushes to. He would run around a eat squirrels and sleep in bushes. He also liked to go to the medieval fairs. He would partake in jousting and eat large pieces of meat. He really enjoyed this because he felt accepted and normal. Then one day a strange man named Ben came up to him and asked if you wanted to go in the past to be a real night. Ron didn't hesitate and said yes. The next thing he knew he was on a white majestic horse with armor on it. He also had a full suit of knight armor on. He rode the horse towards the town when all of a sudden a large lady yelled help. So Ron told the horse to gallop very rapidly. Then the horse took off as fast as it could. Ron found the lady and she pointed at a dragon. Ron was so scared but excited at the same time. He ran straight toward the dragon. The next thing Ron knew the dragon lunged at him. The dragon got Ron in his mouth and ate him. That was the end of Ron.

G3. choice

One time when I was walking down the road I ran into a bear. It's name was George. George liked to look around the forest to find yellow salmon. They taste about twenty times better. Wait. How do I know that? I don't eat yellow salmon. I would think they would taste good because gold is similar to the color yellow. Gold is pretty good so it could be really tasty. I am beginning to get hungry. any ways. The bear named George. He was just chilling outside of the store. I slipped past him and purchased a large sized Redbull from the nice man at the cash register. He was about 6'5 and had tattoos on his face and he had sleeves. They were all skulls and he was wearing a shirt that said "Go cry about it." He seemed very nice. So then I walked past George and he tried to stop me, but I got scared so I ran away. I looked back and I noticed that George was chasing me. I tried to run faster but I tripped over my own foot. I then rolled down a conveniently placed grass hill. The hill was about 40 feet tall. I rolled and rolled and rolled. It felt like I was rolling forever. When I finally stopped rolling I stood up. I was really dizzy. Trough my dizziness I noticed that George was still chasing me. So I started running away. I ended up falling into a ditch filled with gross brown water at first I thought it was poop. That would have been very.... You probably know what I was going to say. So I was in the ditch that's when George ran past me. I then started to wonder why a bear would be chasing me. I then thought it didn't matter. I went back to my house and I found a letter on my house. It said "I found your hat" love George the bear.

G2. Choice (true)

The other day I was stuck awake during the night. I could not sleep or fall asleep for that matter, so I decided to think. I thought about everything. I thought about my family, my friends, my life, my choices I've made, and all of the mistakes I've made. Upon thinking about all of these things I could not sleep. I was stuck awake thinking. It was horrible. I had a full day of school ahead of me. I thought about the fact that I had school tomorrow which made me think of how I am doing in school and college. I'm not sure about college. I have no clue what I want to do. I'm not all that smart so that helps limit things. I just have no clue. I don't know what I want to do with schooling at all. I might want to go to a trade school. Who knows? Definitely not me. If I'm going to spend the rest of my life doing something I'm going to have to like it. I know if I get a job that I like then it wouldn't be that hard. It would help make it easier to get through. I don't know.  I would like to be able to think of a career by the end of this year. I'm just not really interested in anything that could be a job. I will most likely be stuck awake tonight thinking about this again. I mean I guess it's good. The more I think about what I want to do when I get older the sooner I will know the answer to the most important question I have. What do I want to do when I get older? I hate when people ask what I want to do when I get older because I never have the answer.