Tuesday, January 22, 2013

J1. Hero

To me a hero is someone who does something good for the community. This hero doesn't need to have superpowers or drive a super vehicle. Dictionary.com's definition of hero is "a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities." Think about this though. If you saw a person with a cape and could fly you would call them a hero. If you stood a person who saved a cat from a tree next to superman you would want to take pictures with superman and not the person who was a "hero." Imagine if you were a superhero though. It would be so sweet. You could probably fly around and shoot lasers from your eye holes. You couldn't get hurt by anything or anyone. You wouldn't have to deal with anything. You wouldn't need a job because people would give you stuff for free. There is another really big plus side to being a hero. You can wear a cape around and nobody will judge you or bother you about it. It would be pretty risky to be any kind of hero. Whether you have superpowers or you just help people. No matter what you do you have some risks. If you have superpowers there is always that one thing that can get you. A perfect example is superman and kryptonite. If you’re just a hero then anyone can pretty much take you out. You could get hit by a car or fall off of a balcony, and you would be done. So yes being a superhero would be really cool and awesome but would it really be worth it? You couldn’t live a normal life. You would always have to be hiding from the world and you would have to worry about your enemies finding your loved ones. So basically what I’m saying is don’t be a superhero.

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