Thursday, May 16, 2013

Q5. Choice

I have about 20 minutes to write this choice blog. Let’s do this. The phone just rang. Carly isn't in this class Mr. T just said. My back is in a lot of pain. Last Saturday I went to an indoor skate park called Xtreme Wheels. It's the only indoor skate park in New York. It's a really nice park. They change it almost every time you go there. I was skating around like I usually do. I was doing all my usual tricks I do. I was popping up some ollies, kickflips, heelflips, varial flips, hard flips, 360 flips, 180's, 360's, and a whole lot of other tricks. I am a relatively good skateboarder. I just don't really try to learn new tricks. Anyways I was skating around. I hurt myself really bad doing something new. I was at a quarter pipe and there was a little roll in thing right next to it. I have no idea what it was called, but it was cool to skate on. The quarter pipe was probably about 6 feet tall and the other thing was about 4 feet tall. I was skating up it and turned around on the quarter pipe and rolled up the quarter pipe on the other side of the ramp. I was going to do a front side flip which is a kickflip 180. I was about 3 feet up the quarter pipe and did the front side flip to the roll in thing. I landed it and was riding, but I was leaning too far forward and did a side flip and landed right on the lower right side of my back. It hurt really badly. I got up and kept skating though. Then I went home and I could barely walk without it hurting. Then the next couple days I kept skating it and hurting it more. Yesterday Wednesday I played football and was running and tackling and sprinting and hurt myself. Now it kills. If I bend over it burns inside my muscles, so I learned that if I’m hurt I need to let it heal before I do more stuff.

Q4. Icon

Do I really have an icon.. I don't think so. I have a decent amount of respect for a certain group of people. I wouldn't really consider any celebrities as icons. I mean there are a bunch of celebrities like musicians I like, but they aren't icon material. I feel like an icon needs to be someone who does something really good for everyone. A perfect example of an icon would be Gandhi. I would have to say that a modern day icon doesn't really exist. I'm going to become the next icon. I'm going to make millions of dollars and help a real lot of people have a good life and always be happy. If I could I would donate all my money to help little kids. Little kids are the future of us, so I think we should try to have them be happy and not crazy so that nothing bad happens. If you really think of it I bet no disasters would really happen if everyone in the world was happy. Seriously think about it. Do you think that someone would want to bomb other people if they were happy and they were eating candy and drinking smoothies? I don’t think they really would. They literally would not want to kill people. I wouldn’t be angry at people if I always had a big bottle of smoothies at all times. How could you be mad with a big thing of smoothie? I am sort of craving a smoothie now. Back to all seriousness I would have to say that I don’t have an icon. No one has really blown me away with their actions. If someone were to come in and buy a plate of dinner for a homeless man, then that person would be my icon just because they are selfless unlike everyone else in this world.

Q3. Best Book

The best book I have ever read for English class is a tough question. It's not tough because I liked them all it's because I don't really like any of them. The two that I liked the most were The Hunger Games or The Outsiders. We read The Outsiders in 8th grade and it was one of the best books ever. Then this year in English I read The Hunger Games for my reading project. They are two completely different books. The Hunger Games was basically fantasy, but I also think it could possibly happen in the future the way the world is going. Who knows? I don't know that's for sure. The thing with The Outsiders is that it is completely believable. It is also really cool because it's about these "greasers." They are basically thugs. It’s also cool to read about a different life than I live. Those two are really good books that I read. The only other book I read that was really good was That Was Then This Is Now. The book was once again about these two “thugs.” They were brothers and they were best friends. Then the one brother decided it was time to grow up and get a job and leave everything bad he did behind. His brother didn’t feel the same way. The one brother had to try and take care of the other brother and bail him out of jail a few times, and then he realized his brother was the reason that he was in all his troubles in the first place. Then every time his brother would call asking to get bailed out of jail he wouldn’t go and just tell him to grow up. Then the end of the story he finally grows up and everyone lives happily ever after. I read that book in 8th grade.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Q2. Summer Plans

Well I have two plans for this summer. It's either one I'm going to get a job and work all the time or I'm going to just lay in my bed all day every day. I am going to hope I go with choice one. I'm going to be a senior next year. I need to make my money so I can afford a car, gas, and all the stuff I want to do. I already applied to a few places, but no one got back to me about the applications. That kind of stinks. I mean I guess I'll never be able to get a job. I think I would be pretty good at working somewhere. I am a nice guy and I don't quit easily. I need to get a job for this summer, so option two is out of the question. I really wish that I could rewind time and try harder in school, so I could have set myself up with a job already. I really don't know what to do. I mean I could really use a job, but it seems like everywhere I apply won't hire me. I'm still looking for a job, so if anyone is interested in hiring me I'm available. It would probably make my summer a lot more fun. I would actually have money to go out with my friends and see new movies or buy new skateboards, and everything along those lines. It’s pretty hard being a teenager in our society without a job. It really limits your options of how to spend a Friday evening. It really isn’t that hard to just stay at home and not do much or just have a friend over, but if you can drive and have gas money it makes everything so much better. Those are my plans for summer.

Q1. Choice

For this choice blog I am going to write about my adventures to Henry's candy shop with my dear friend Austin Hopcia, he is also my editor. These adventures used to take place back in the Intermediate school days. We both walked home, and Henry's was about in the middle of our houses. We would always stop in Henry's. The only thing was 9 times out of 10 we would not buy anything. To be completely honest I only think that we got stuff from there once out of all the times we would go, and we went probably every day for weeks straight. Then one day the worst thing ever happened. THEY BANNED US FROM THE STORE! We didn't know what to do. We would still walk home together, but it wouldn’t be the same. We just liked going in there and looking at the stuff. We would get Swedish Fish. We went to a chocolate shop for Swedish Fish. We usually would get the colored ones, but on some special days we would get the original red ones. The times we would just do all this walking and hanging out were the best way to end a school day. People always would say “Mondays are the worst days of the week.” Then you have me “Yo Hopcia are you ready to go to Henry’s?!?” People used to be really jealous of our trips to Henry’s. We would not only browse the store, but we would also get an idea of what we wanted for next time, but we always would forget our money. I think they just got mad that we would be in there, but we never did anything. We never stole candy or moved stuff around. We would just look around all the different candy and try to pick what we want.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

P5. Choice

Alright it is exactly 1:54 PM. I have until 2:20 PM to finish my last blog. This one to be exact. I need to think or something to write about. I think I'm going to write about a new story. Alright here we go.

This story takes place in New York City. The way the story goes is this. The people in New York city have been known as being mean people. The main character is Sully. Sully lives in a one bedroom apartment with a bathroom right next to the kitchen without a door. Now you have the impression that this Sully character is a poor guy, but what you don't know is that he is actually a billionaire. He drives foreign cars, he owns twenty houses, and he can buy anything he wants to. The only thing is that when he travels he doesn't like people seeing the wealth he has. The downside is that it is 2:01 PM and I'm only at 165 words. This is getting close. I need to get this done and I am almost sick of writing this blog. Sully went for a walk around Cancun. The weather was really really nice, and it was really hot. He thought he wanted to go swimming, so he jumped into the nearby pool. The only thing is the pool was owned by a person who doesn’t really like Sully. The person tried to come out and get Sully, but Sully got out of the pool, and he ran as fast as he could to his car. He dove right in his car and fired it up. He was driving his rental car. It was a Toyota Camry. He was used to driving his fast cars that when he tried to peel out he couldn’t, and the man chasing him caught him. Then Sully got in trouble.