Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Q1. Choice

For this choice blog I am going to write about my adventures to Henry's candy shop with my dear friend Austin Hopcia, he is also my editor. These adventures used to take place back in the Intermediate school days. We both walked home, and Henry's was about in the middle of our houses. We would always stop in Henry's. The only thing was 9 times out of 10 we would not buy anything. To be completely honest I only think that we got stuff from there once out of all the times we would go, and we went probably every day for weeks straight. Then one day the worst thing ever happened. THEY BANNED US FROM THE STORE! We didn't know what to do. We would still walk home together, but it wouldn’t be the same. We just liked going in there and looking at the stuff. We would get Swedish Fish. We went to a chocolate shop for Swedish Fish. We usually would get the colored ones, but on some special days we would get the original red ones. The times we would just do all this walking and hanging out were the best way to end a school day. People always would say “Mondays are the worst days of the week.” Then you have me “Yo Hopcia are you ready to go to Henry’s?!?” People used to be really jealous of our trips to Henry’s. We would not only browse the store, but we would also get an idea of what we wanted for next time, but we always would forget our money. I think they just got mad that we would be in there, but we never did anything. We never stole candy or moved stuff around. We would just look around all the different candy and try to pick what we want.

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