Thursday, May 16, 2013

Q4. Icon

Do I really have an icon.. I don't think so. I have a decent amount of respect for a certain group of people. I wouldn't really consider any celebrities as icons. I mean there are a bunch of celebrities like musicians I like, but they aren't icon material. I feel like an icon needs to be someone who does something really good for everyone. A perfect example of an icon would be Gandhi. I would have to say that a modern day icon doesn't really exist. I'm going to become the next icon. I'm going to make millions of dollars and help a real lot of people have a good life and always be happy. If I could I would donate all my money to help little kids. Little kids are the future of us, so I think we should try to have them be happy and not crazy so that nothing bad happens. If you really think of it I bet no disasters would really happen if everyone in the world was happy. Seriously think about it. Do you think that someone would want to bomb other people if they were happy and they were eating candy and drinking smoothies? I don’t think they really would. They literally would not want to kill people. I wouldn’t be angry at people if I always had a big bottle of smoothies at all times. How could you be mad with a big thing of smoothie? I am sort of craving a smoothie now. Back to all seriousness I would have to say that I don’t have an icon. No one has really blown me away with their actions. If someone were to come in and buy a plate of dinner for a homeless man, then that person would be my icon just because they are selfless unlike everyone else in this world.

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