Thursday, October 25, 2012

D2. Environmental

Environmental science with Mr. Kasper. Mr. Kasper is one of the best teachers there is. He is funny, kind, sultry. He doesn't yell at students but he also maintains control. He can sometimes talk and talk and talk and talk for the whole class which is kind of hard to get through. Kasper is like the ghost. He is fun, kind, nice, and he is a good teacher. I got through biology because Kasper knew how to teach in a good way. Kasper recently let us play with owl pellets. Owl pellets are what the owls ate and eventually spit up in a sort of hair ball type substance. It was really gross. Imagine dissecting a cat hair ball. Doesn't sound fun does it? Imagine a cat hair ball that smells really bad and has little bones in it. That's what a owl pellet is. Going through it with little tweezers and a sharpened stick. It was similar to a tooth pick but larger and only one sided. It was pretty gross. The only thing is it was a cool break from the curriculum we are studying right meow. I mean would you rather go through an owl's hair ball or take a lot of notes and not have fun? I would choose the hair ball any day. If you are a student that goes to Alden I would recommend taking any class with Kasper that you could. He is the best teacher I've ever had. He is so chill and down to earth, but he also knows how to get the work done and done quickly. I'm in my junior year and I wish I took more classes with Mr. Kasper. It would be a great way to spend the year and get some credits for it as well.

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