Wednesday, October 31, 2012

E4. choice

For this choice blog I am going to tell a nice story. This story is going to be fictional. Maybe. There was once a man named John Robson. John had a nice house out in California. Specifically in Los Angeles. He really liked his house and the area but he thought it was time for a change. He had money and when I say money I mean he had hundreds of millions. He owned Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Rolls Royces, and a couple Bentlys. He had the best clothes that money could buy. He carried a couple thousands in hundreds in his wallet. Then one morning he woke up as if he was being controlled by aliens. He took his cars and gave them to people who had broken down cars. He took all his clothes and gave them to homeless people with ripped clothing. He donated all of his money except for 69,000 dollars. He wanted that money to get a plane ticket and fly all the way out to Buffalo New York. He ended up in a small little town named Alden. He thought it was a great change from his old life. He got everything handed to him and he was sick of it and he wanted to actually work to get his money. So he got a job that he could actually do. He applied at Tops, Dollar General, Tim Hortons, Value, and all the gas stations in Alden. No one would hire him. They all said he needed to get a job before they would give him a job. He was confused by that because if everyone is saying that then how could he get a job? He almost gave up and called his parents for more money. Then he thought about one place that would hire almost anybody. The next day he walked to McDonalds. He asked for an application, and the manager was there. He was hired on the spot because they didn't have enough workers because someone got sick. That was the biggest mistake he could make. That night he was cleaning up and the ovens had a malfunction and blew up. John Robson was the only person who was killed by the blast. The moral of the story is if you're really rich don't give your money up. You will die.

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